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That is the word that comes to mind when I think about this stage of our ministry and life.

Endurance:  The fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. It is the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear

“Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus” - Hebrews 12:1

Oh, the joy of beginning a mission with all of the excitement and energy of new missionaries! It is a beautiful thing: the boundless energy, the focused passion, the new ideas and the health.  We were they, once upon a time. Now, eleven years in, we’re the middle-aged missionaries, not exactly old, but certainly not newbies. We sure know about wear and tear! I feel like we’re in the middle of our race. We’re tired. We’re sick, and at times we are discouraged. But, oh if we lay aside sin, and run, and endure until the end, guess who’s waiting for us? Jesus is our prize! Jesus is the reason that we’re here. Jesus is our motivation and our strength.

We were recently sharing some of our stories of our life here over the years with some new friends, and they remarked at what a miracle it is that we’re still here after all that we’ve seen and experienced and survived! I have been mulling that thought over the past few days. It is good to remember what God has done. He has done so much for us!

This last week my pressure cooker exploded. It was like a bomb in our one room house. Everyone is fine thank God. Nothing was damaged other than the pot and my nerves. There’s nothing like cleaning beans off of every surface in the house for two hours, while running a fever. Life is really never dull here! Not for one minute.  

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Vann is plowing through each of his days with as much grace as I’ve ever seen Jesus pour into one man. He is passing a kidney stone. Again. Some days are harder than others for sure, (like on days when he also has a migraine that’s lasted a week and is sick with a virus on top of it all) but he still gets out and works in this sweltering heat and sun all – day - long. Of course work and progress drive him, but he will just as graciously take time out of his day to help any and all who come to him to fix, solve or build something for them, or just to visit. Because, as he so often says: “people are why we’re here”.

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I have lost track of all of the people that have come to Petra Pool for refreshment in the last month. Church groups come out after service on Sundays for the rest of the afternoon. Different families from town come for the whole day on Saturdays to cook out and swim which gives us the perfect opportunity to share Jesus with them. The Swiss Mission has swimming lessons here every week for all of their children. This place is like an oasis, and God is using this mission base to bless so many! To Him be all of the glory!

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This month we were pleased to participate in two Christian weddings! For one wedding, I was asked to be the hairdresser. It’s expensive to go to the salon, and this lovely couple needed a hand to help make their day special. I’m a sucker for weddings. So, on a day that I could barely stand, I did five people’s hair in two hours! The other wedding was Aurora’s daughter Patty’s wedding in which I also did her hair and makeup! We were honored to be the couple’s “godparents” and participate in their special day. They are our extended family here, and we praise God for them taking this step together to honor Him!


The children are all doing well in their studies and are learning to enjoy the process of going to school even as the newness wears off. They are working hard and succeeding. We are praying for wisdom at every step. Parenting these three amazing people is such a privilege.

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If you are tired and worn, endure with joy, and look to Jesus! He is the author and the finisher of our faith! He is all that we need. And if you don’t know Him, and you are not entirely sure about where you’ll spend eternity, please turn to Jesus. Confess your sins, repent and turn away from them, and make Jesus the Lord of your life. While you are alive there is still time, but you must choose. He is gentle and loving, and is faithful to forgive. Bless the Lord!


© 2014 Petra Ministries | All rights reserved | vvbrock@yahoo.com