
The beginning of this year has been a rough one for Peru with country wide strikes and demonstrations protesting the fact that the president was impeached and arrested after he illegally dissolved congress. Peru is on her sixth president and third congress in five years. It’s a mess. We are under Martial law, again. There are soldiers posted in the airports and other public places. Most of the highways across the country are blocked. The one road that crosses the Andes to connect us (Pucallpa) to the outside world has metal welded across it to block all traffic. The most immediate difficulty from this is that the transportation of food and gas is at a standstill. Please pray for peace for Peru.

Despite the unrest, our family was finally able to go on our trip to Cuzco and Machu Picchu that we’d planned since 2020! Our kids have lived their whole lives in Peru and had never seen this Wonder of the World. God made a way - we were able to just barely get in and out safely, the kids caught their flight back to the States, and we made it home in time for Clara’s classes to begin. I am so grateful that I was able to go on this trip - I stayed behind for most dinners and only accompanied the family on tours that had places to sit. The effort has cost me more time than I thought would be needed for recovery, but I am still so very thankful!

Our beautiful Corynn turned 20 years old at the end of December! We are incredibly blessed to be her parents and are so excited to see the amazing ways that God will use her precious life for the glory of His great name! This is a photo of me at 20 years old with her at 3 months old in Pucallpa, Peru. Unreal how quickly time flies.

The finishing touches are all that lack on the Howe’s mission house! We are super excited for them to be able to move in soon and have them living on base! Our next big prayer request is for strength and finances to continue to work on the next mission house. There are other tribal working missionary families that are eagerly awaiting a place to live!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support for us as a family and for our mission. It is astounding to look back and see the amazing, BIG things that God has done in the last couple of decades, and we cannot wait to see all the great things that He is going to do! Time is a gift. May we be found faithful.
“I must do the works of Him who sent Me while it is day. Night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:4