Thanksgiving 2020.

November 2020 still held the same highlight for us that every other November brings - Thanksgiving! We weren’t sure that we would be able to celebrate it this year due to all of the craziness that has affected the globe, but we were still able to host a scaled down version in that wonderful pavilion by the pool – no more tent and chairs in the mud! It was a much smaller of a gathering this year, but still so very precious to have our missionary family to celebrate with us! Along with all of the delicious food, we enjoyed our first communion and worship service led by a dear pastor friend of ours and his wife – such a highlight of our year! And in good, jungle-family fashion we had a lice picking happening on the sidelines of the worship service. Almost nothing fazes us anymore – we’ve seen it all by now - and family trumps bugs. We are so grateful for family!

The rains have officially set in, but in between storms the sun scorches the earth and creates an almost unbearable sauna effect in which work continues! The foundation and walls are up on Mikey’s house now too, so we have two houses that are waiting to be roofed. Vann finished the 18-hole disc golf course – which has proved to be the main source of fun in our neighborhood! He is still working on fixing most of the things that went sideways last month, but we do have dependable internet again which makes everything easier! We are so grateful to get to live and work on this mission base camp!

One of the recent storms blew in as a microburst which lifted the hangar roof and smashed it down on the floatplane of our neighboring aviation base. The loss of this plane is deeply felt as it is the only missionary operated floatplane in this country, and much of the work and help that reaches the remotest parts of the jungle was with that plane. God controls the weather, and we are trusting that He will provide for the work to continue – with grateful hearts we are eagerly watching to see how He supplies this time!

Our teammate, Mikey came for a short visit this month since the borders are finally opening, and he will be on his way back again next month to stay for a couple of months! He is such a blessing to us – he’s a hard worker with a teachable spirit, and a joy to have in our home. He seems to lift some of Vann’s load, and we are so grateful for him!

Nearly everyone that we know and love here has had Co-vid (outside of the missionary community which has been for the most part spared), and several of our friends have died. Much to our sorrow. We had the opportunity to help disperse one dear friends’ belongings to the needy, but oh, how hard it is to face loss. It hurts, but it also reminds us why we’re here – so that we do not have to grieve without hope! Our hope is in God alone, who sent His son to die in our place, so that we might be saved from our hopelessness and sin and be adopted as His sons and daughters! Now that is something to be eternally grateful for!

Thank you to each of you who so faithfully give and pray for us and this mission – we couldn’t do this work without you – and we are so profoundly grateful for you!
“Grief’s darkness fades in the sunlight of thanksgiving.”- Billy Graham