
Be still, and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10
I am familiar with being still due to prolonged, chronic illness, but my poor Vann is not one to be still. Ever. So these last six weeks of debilitating pain have been a new challenge for him. He is used to pain, and pushes through so much of it so much of the time with his migraines and kidney stones, but this has been on a new level entirely. I have had the privilege of caring for him through this trial, and have been witness to God’s amazing grace. The second surgery earlier this month was successful, thank God, and I just took him to get his stent out yesterday, so we are hoping that this is nearly the end of his time of intense pain. Thank you to all of you who have prayed with us, and sent notes of encouragement – what a blessing you are to us.

This time of stillness has given Vann the opportunity to plan and delegate some of the projects needing to be done for the camp and housing ministries. The well for the camp is being drilled this week, the solar power system has been studied, planned out, and the parts will be ordered soon, and he’s making plans to break ground on the next missionary’s house to build! Our ministry of hospitality has continued on too! We had the privilege of hosting the children of our dear Scalpel at the Cross medical team for a few days. The pool stays busy for those needing physical therapy or some refreshment and reprieve from the scorching heat, and many meals have been served from this farmhouse kitchen for those that have just had babies, or are sick, mourning, or just for some sweet fellowship. This is a joy to me.

Our beautiful Clara turned 13 this month! Clara is a deep thinker with the best questions. She feels things deeply too, and has a super tender heart that loves Jesus. She is growing up into such a lovely young woman inside and out! What a fabulous time of life – these teenage years are just so much fun! Our kiddos can be left and entrusted with the base and farm for a week at a time, and they just take care of everything and each other. We are so very blessed by them.

During the times of stillness comes a clarity that helps us see our priorities better. That’s the loveliness about the last half of the sentence – “and know that I am God”. He will take care of everything. He is in control. He does not need us to be busy for Him - He wants us to know Him. This is His mission, and He is busy working even when we are not able to funcion like we usually do. Sometimes, like Moses at the edge of the Red Sea when God told his people to be still and see their salvation, or when the Philistine army came against David and his army, God told him to wait in the woods until they heard the angel army in the tops of the trees going ahead of them before they charged ahead – sometimes, God asks us to be still in the middle of the battle while we watch Him work. He is so good to care for us, and we can’t wait to charge ahead again for the glory of His great name!
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” - Ps. 46:10