
“Supplying the needs of the saints” would summarize this past month for us. It has been delightfully full of service to the saints around us. There have been so many needs that have arisen that Vann is uniquely able and willing to meet.

One service opportunity was when SAM Academy’s well ran dry leaving all of the families that live on that mission base and the school without water. We understand all too well the struggles of living without running water, so Vann was super pleased to help with that big project, and get them back up and running!

Another project has been helping a new missionary family cut their lumber for the house that they’re building down the road from us. We know all about having to re-cut every side of every board that has just been delivered from the local sawmill before it’s usable, and without the proper tools for the job. Many years ago, that was our situation too. God has been gracious in allowing us to have a wood shop set up with the proper tools for this very purpose, so we are thrilled to be able to help in this unique way.

My mother is here again! She is sufficiently recovered from her heart attack and quadruple bypass from a year and a half ago to make the trip all of the way down here. Praise God! Immigrations graciously gave her 120 days on her visa, so we hope to have her here with us at least through March. What a blessing it is to have family here, especially for the holidays!

Our Corynn turned fourteen years old this month! We are so very proud of the beautiful young woman that she is becoming. She is a wonderful student, an amazing artist, and she loves Jesus and her family so very much!

The pool continues to bring the people to us in droves. We’ve had special Peruvian family birthday pool parties, and many other families coming to seek a reprieve from the heat and finding rest. The gospel message is always a part of our pool ministry! The biggest crowd at the pool this month was when a friend of mine came from our neighboring tribe bringing all of the children that she could manage to herd over here at once. She brought them all in order to get them out from under their mother’s feet during their holiday preparations! Lifeguarding nearly thirty Indian children can be somewhat nerve-wracking, but I thank God for His grace and protection! Many thanks again to our thoughtful friend who sent so many bathing suits of all sizes for all of those who come to the pool without suits!

We are overflowing in our thanksgivings to God for allowing us the privilege of living and serving here in Peru. May we be found faithful. Thank you to all of you who support us financially, hold us up in prayer, and love on us from afar with notes of encouragement and care packages. God bless you all abundantly in 2017!
“For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God." 2 Cor. 9:12