
The rains have finally come, bringing the grass back in the pastures, mosquitos by the droves, the waters up in the rivers, and putting an end to the hyper vigilance against fires. It has always fascinated me how dry the clay earth gets here in between the rainy seasons – the ground literally cracks open waiting for the rain. It is a visual for me as to how we are to expectantly wait on God in a dry and weary land. Only he can quench our thirst!

While it was still dry, Vann had a firebreak cut around the property and cleared some of the dense jungle away from the camp cabins to better protect them from fire in the coming years. He has finished piping the septic and dug out the drainage ponds for the camp bathrooms as well as installing the shower and sink fittings. It is really encouraging for him to see progress in the camp as well as the houses – slowly but surely!

Vann volunteered to go on an emergency reconnaissance flight with SAM Air last Sunday afternoon to look for a downed cargo plane whose pilot and co-pilot are both friends from town. Vann spotted the wreck and took pictures (above) so they could call in the correct coordinates to send out a rescue and recovery team. Miraculously, the young copilot survived having only needed a few stitches! We are so incredibly thankful that his life was spared. Sadly, the pilot was lost. We would ask for your prayers for his family during this difficult time.

Clara turned seventeen this month, and she chose to be baptized in our pool the day before her birthday! Her youth group and neighbors were here to witness her testimony and declaration of her faith in Christ Jesus as her Lord and Savior. All three of our children chose to be baptized when they were sixteen years old! Truly, there is no greater joy than to know that our children are walking in the truth!

Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support for our family and mission! We absolutely could not do any of this without you. It takes the whole body of Christ to work together, unified in our singular goal of making the great name of our great God known and glorified in all the earth!
“I am convinced that there is nothing that can happen to me in this life that is not precisely designed by a sovereign Lord to give me the opportunity to learn to know Him.” – Elisabeth Elliot