
This month has been one full of hard labor, preparation, and progress on the mission house! Vann and I have been cutting another log into lumber for the last interior walls to be built in the second floor, which always takes time. God sent us a young man from Arizona to help us with construction for a whole week. Let me tell you, there is nothing like having another set of “man muscles” on a construction site! He is a very kind, hard worker with a teachable spirit, and we were so blessed to have him around. With his help we were able to finish the framing of all of the upstairs walls, and deck our southern, wrap-around porch! Tangible, visible progress is such an encouragement! God is preparing this mission base to carry on His work for years to come.

Vann still needs your prayers. He passed a 4mm stone from his right kidney last week, and is now only suffering with the 7mm stone coming down from his left kidney. This is the first time that he’s had a stone passing from both kidneys at the same time! Vann is being prepared by God for His glory to be revealed in his life, as he stays cheerful while suffering. “But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.”1 Peter 4:13
Unfortunately, it seems that Adina Dumitru is also suffering with a kidney stone. They are out in the tribe right now, and with so few comforts surrounding them, they could really use your prayers. It’s almost impossible to sleep with this kind of pain, and she still has a toddler to care for and ministry responsibilities to attend to. We are sending her an herbal remedy this week to try to help break up the stone. We’ve had a few opportunities to ship them some supplies, and are so honored that we can be a support for them and their tribal mission.

Clara turned 10 years old this month! She is such a precious little lady that is quick to serve and eager to learn. She is enjoying and thriving in school at South America Mission academy in town. We are so very proud of the Godly young woman that she’s becoming, and pray that she learns to love Jesus with her whole heart! God is preparing her for great things!

Building on fire in the center of town
Just as John the Baptist was sent out to prepare the way of the Lord (Luke 7:27), we are also to prepare the way for Jesus’ return. “so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” (Heb.9:28) We are working to prepare the way: building a mission base and sharing the good news! God help us to eagerly wait for His return, while preparing the way!
“Our Lord calls us to no special work—He calls us to Himself.”-Oswald Chambers