Muddy March.

It’s stormy for days with scorching sun shining through every now and then just long enough to turn the earth into a sauna. The big billowy clouds that make the sunsets look like paintings, and the most vivid rainbows we’ve ever seen really do make up for all the mud.
Great news - the Howe family has moved into their house!!! We are delighted to have them as neighbors and to support them in their tribal work. Vann is wrapping up the finishing touches - installing the garage doors and porch fans, but this precious family is happily installed in their new home! Watching the vision that God gave us for this mission base turn into a 3D, tangible reality is just astounding! Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers for us.
· We are thankful for God’s watchful care over our children as they’re all well and busy with their studies and work.
· We would ask extra prayers for our national helpers-
· Milka’s youngest son broke his leg and needs surgery.
· Percy is slowly rebuilding his life with the few jobs that we can find him, but his greatest need is to surrender his life to Christ.
· Abraham’s wife has been diagnosed with cancer and will be needing treatment in Lima.
The needs that surround us seem to be so great sometimes, but we ask for wisdom and pray that God uses us as channels for his love and care.

· Vann hurt his back while moving furniture into the new house. It didn’t help that he was turning around on the seat of the tractor to build the new driveway, and twisting up under the kitchen cabinets to connect water fittings, gas, and power. There does seem to be improvement with ice and rest, and we are hopeful that he will heal soon.
· I am going on two weeks of running a persistent low-grade fever for no apparent reason, so I’m not feeling very well. The good news is that with the help of a dear friend, I have found a new doctor that is interested in my case. He is a neurologist and a specialist in internal medicine in Lima - my very own “Dr. House”, but he is extremely kind! Hope springs eternal, and we will keep searching for answers and praying for healing on this side of eternity.

Our family’s greatest desire and the object of our daily prayers is for the grace and work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts to hold us fast and glorify his great name through all that we say and do.
“Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. Sever any ties but the tie that binds me to thy service and to thy heart.” – David Livingston