
It is usually the missing that gets to us. I’ve said it before. Missing the family gatherings and happenings over the years just seems to get harder as the years go by, and I cannot imagine how that will compound when our own children will live on another continent, but I get ahead of myself.

Earlier this year I received two invitations to two different family events, one on each coast of the United States, within a week of each other. One was a family reunion in Oregon, hosted by my twin sister, to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of our father’s death, and the other was a wedding in Maryland. Oh, how I wanted to go to both events, and couldn’t bring myself to go all of the way to one without going to the other. So, we finally decided to try and get me to both, with faith that the Lord would provide. My mother’s flight privileges from her retirement from the airlines allow me to be able to fly standby at a significantly lower rate when I travel alone, but even with the savings, it was still going to be a stretch for us financially. The very day after we purchased my tickets, we got a phone call from a dear friend informing us that they were going to pay for all of my flights! Why is it, that even when we know that it is God who provides our every need, we are still surprised when He does! Boy, that just took so much of the stress away for me, and I was able to enjoy the trip so much more knowing that the Lord had paved the way. I ended up taking twelve flights in fourteen days. Even flying standby, I arrived at each event and made it to my international flights all on time! I pulled a few 36 and 48-hour stints, but the Lord upheld me. One of the highlights for me, other than the planned events, was attending my home church in Maryland after the wedding, and getting to worship and fellowship with my church family.

It was from a few precious people that handed me some gifts throughout the trip that ended up covering all of my other trip expenses! So crazy blessed. I got to see so many loved ones, and I will treasure the memories for the rest of my life.

It is a profound thing to think about the impact that one life can have, that even twenty years after his passing, so many would gather from all across the country to remember Daddy together. At the memorial, we enjoyed hearing his testimony from a restored VHS tape, reading letters that were sent in from friends and family that could not attend, and sharing our own memories. The one, prevailing theme was how very much he loved Jesus. He was a great man because of his love for Jesus. We have hope that we will see him again because of his love for Jesus. It is really all about Jesus, and not about him or us at all. It is only our life in Christ, and what is accomplished in His name and for His glory that will last.

While I was gone, Vann held down the fort rather well! I missed Clara’s 12th birthday, Corynn and Ethan’s high school homecoming, and spirit week at Sam academy. Vann kept everyone fed and to where they needed to go on time, and managed all of his projects on the base at the same time, all while massively struggling with the pain of a kidney stone. This is the same kidney stone that I mentioned to you last month. I forget how very hard this is – it can only be equated with labor pain. Can you imagine being in labor for a month? And continuing to work, and relate to people with kindness – he is truly an amazing man. Please pray with me that this stone will pass, especially before he travels out to a remote tribe to help a young missionary couple set up solar and water for their tribal house next month.

Corynn got braces put on just the day before I left, so that was painful and the timing was a bit traumatic, but she’s a tough cookie, and handled it all with grace. She has also volunteered to sing at church occasionally, which of course makes us very proud that she wants to use the time and talents that God has given her for His glory!

Ethan got to go to his first homecoming as a high school freshman! He is just about to pass me in height, and continues to astound us with the abilities God has given him. We are so enjoying this teenager stage with all of its blessings and challenges!

We celebrated Clara’s twelfth birthday again when I got home, and had a fabulous time! She is such a bright spot in our lives. She is a very deep thinker and she loves Jesus! It is a bit surreal that our baby is so grown up.

In the midst of all of the travels, kidney stones, and family events, there have been ministry opportunities too!
Vann has spent some considerable time working on other missionary’s computers, repairs in their houses, researching solar systems for their mission bases, and loving every minute of service to the saints.

We have had the distinct honor to house a dear missionary family that work out in a tribe near the Brazilian border while they came out to town for medical help. Please pray for healing, as they are quite certain that it is Leishmaniasis (a flesh-eating bacteria, common to the area where they work), and the treatment will be brutal.
Youth group is a joy to host and a pleasure to participate in as we witness the growth and maturity in all of these precious missionary kids! Please pray that they will learn to love Jesus more every day, and be able to stand firm in their faith when they eventually graduate, and leave the safety of home for studies in their home countries.

An old friend of ours from our first years living downtown showed up one day and just stayed out here with us for a week! He is one that we’ve been caring for and discipling for a long time, so it was super nice to have a condensed period of time with him. Please pray that the Lord will do a great work in his life.
In light of all that God has done, and is doing through us, we remember that it is not about us at all. To God be the glory, great things He has done! We are profoundly grateful for all of you who support us financially and in prayer. May the Lord bless you abundantly more than you could ask or think!

I got to meet my newest nephew!!! Isn’t he darling?
“The underlying foundation of Christianity is personal, passionate devotion to the Lord Jesus.” – Oswald Chambers