
It’s why we’re here. Love is the driving force behind all of what we do. Now, that could sound a bit too pious, except that I’m not talking about our human love. We wouldn’t get very far on that. God’s love though is steadfast and great. His love has to be shared with this lost and dying world, and that’s why we’re here! We feel so privileged to live and work in Peru.

The blessed windows are finally all finished and installed! They make the house look so much more like a house! The bricks are all completed around the pool, and it looks so nice to have some things being finished around here! The next step in construction will be the ductwork, plumbing and electrical, so Vann is working on the schematics and logistics for those. All the while, seeking as much advice as possible!

There is a family that lives down the road that needs help with building a “cool-room”, which will provide just a small air-conditioned space, so we will be serving them in their quest to find some relief from this heat. Our neighbors at the Swiss Mission are needing a few logs to be cut into lumber, and it seems that our wood mill is the only one around, so Vann is repairing it in order to serve them in this way. Also, the Romanian missionary family that we host in their own guest home here on base, returned from a furlough in Romania yesterday! We picked them up from the airport, and made sure that they came home to a clean house, cut lawn, and stocked the kitchen with groceries. We are so pleased to be able to serve this family that is so dedicated to serving the Lord. This afternoon, all of the children from the Swiss mission came over for a retreat day at the pool! They are such well behaved, delightful children!

We invited all of the employees from the Immigrations office to come spend a day with us. After spending so much time and money in getting our permanent residency visas in their offices, we grew to know these folks on a first name basis. We decided it would be nice to invite them all out for a cook-out for them and their families. About 15 people came out for a lunch and afternoon of visiting. We were grateful for this opportunity to be able to get to know their families, as well as getting to spend time with them outside of their stressful environment at work. Help us pray that God will continue to open the doors to their hearts as we endeavor to be channels of his love to them and their families.

The delight of sacrifice is that I lay down my life for my Friend, Jesus (John 15:13). I don’t throw my life away, but I willingly and deliberately lay it down for Him and His interests in other people. And I do this for no cause or purpose of my own. ~Oswald Chambers