Our family has been soaking up every bit of the time that we’ve been able to spend together this Christmas season! Our kids have all aced their classes this past semester and are enjoying their break from studying and working. We are very proud of them and so thankful to have them all home!
Earlier this month, the Emmanuel Church came to use our pool for their baptism service! It was such a lovely celebration of these precious souls’ salvation. They set up chairs in the pavilion and had a beautiful worship service here in our back yard; it was glorious!
We had the pleasure of receiving some of our dearest friends from Switzerland for Christmas this year! These brothers are missionary kids who were raised in the Swiss mission a mile down the dirt road from us, and are precious, lifelong friends. It is a special gift to have loved ones that travel so far to come spend Christmas with us!
Corynn turned 22 years old yesterday! She is now a certified behavioral therapist and will be working at a clinic in the North Georgia mountains while she completes her pre-req’s for medical school. We are so proud of her amazing accomplishments, but even more so of her godly character and genuine dedication to loving and following Jesus.
Jesus, the God and maker of the universe, humbled himself by coming to Earth in the form of a baby - born to die in order to reconcile us to God. He knows what it is to suffer, to be human, frail and a homeless sojourner. We follow Him and his example, leaving our loved ones so that every tribe and language will know His name. It is our privilege to do this mission work. It has cost us everything that we could have been and done had we stayed in our passport country, but there is nowhere else we would rather be in the whole wide world! We cannot do this alone; we thank God for each of you who pray for us and support our mission, and we ask Him to bless and keep you as you follow Him in this coming year!
“My prayer is that people will see that following Jesus costs you everything you are and everything you have. And my prayer is that people will see that Jesus is worth it.” - David Platt