It was a whirlwind trip to the States to celebrate Corynn’s graduation and enjoy some time away together, and it was just so wonderful. We are immensely grateful for the gift of our dear friend’s condo on the beach and time spent as a family! A place like that would have been so far out of our reach but for the extraordinary generosity of our amazing friends.

Corynn has graduated from Cedarville University in Ohio with her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology/Pre-Med. With tremendous effort she accomplished this debt free! We were super thankful to get to celebrate her graduation with my brother and his family who have taken such good care of her these last three years. She has since moved to Georgia to live with her grandmother (Vann’s mom) and work at her aunt’s clinic as a Medical Assistant while she studies for the MCATs and decides her next steps. We are so very proud of our all-grown-up-baby-girl!

Ethan turned 20 years old and we were able to be together to celebrate - something we thought would not likely happen again since he moved to college! He is excelling in his engineering classes and very much enjoying his summer internship at an industrial plant in Suwanee, GA. It would have been an hour and a half commute to work for him (from Marietta where the sweet family that so graciously host him live so he can be close to campus), but God provided another beautiful place for him to stay for the summer at Vann’s cousin’s house fifteen minutes away from his work. God is so good!

Clara has decided to stay in the States to work for the summer, and will be coming home in August. She is working as a nanny for her cousins while living with her grandmother and Corynn! We are proud of her for taking big steps toward her own launch, and are so thankful that our girls will have some time together with family!

Vann and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary while we were traveling and are back home as temporary empty nester’s! It is a glimpse of what life will be like next year when Clara graduates, and you know what we’ve noticed? That God’s grace is sufficient for every moment. I’ve learned that the dread of change is such a waste of time. If Jesus is our ultimate prize and constant joy, then any circumstance is bearable.

News of an emergency came from one of our tribal working families the day after we arrived home. One of their boys had fallen out of a tree and broken his arm. Vann video-called the father while we were sitting around the dinner table with our friends. There are several things that are astounding about that last sentence. First of all, the technology that is in place to make such a call to the middle of the jungle. Secondly, one friend is the pilot who flew out to extract them the next morning. Thirdly, the other friend is a world class orthopedic surgeon with a medical mission here who just happened to be visiting, gave them instructions on how to care for the arm over-night and advice for how to treat it once X-rays were taken. We scooped them up when they flew in and Vann accompanied the parents and the little boy to town to the clinic while I kept their other boys. The brave little guy is recovering well after his surgery in Lima for what ended up being a severely dislocated arm/elbow with no broken bones! Thank God! Only He could orchestrate all of those details so perfectly.

It’s moving day/week! No sooner had Vann finished the roof over the containers for missionary’s storage that the need arose for their use! Vann has been helping one family move their whole house into storage this week. Both containers are now being used by two families that we will have the privilege of housing here on base once their houses can be finished. Anyone up for a construction mission’s trip? Help with electrical, plumbing, drywall (especially finishing), flooring… would all be a blessing!

Vann made a Pinewood Derby track and along with some other missionary men from our community hosted the First Annual Jungle Derby Race here at Petra Mission Base. It was so much fun for our missionary community! He is doing very well as long as he stays somewhat rested and hydrated. The long-covid days still catch up to him sometimes when he gets too run down. We are praying for God to send us teammates soon!

I was delighted to get to celebrate my little sister’s 40th birthday with my mother and twin sister! These opportunities to celebrate with family are few and so precious. I am very thankful for my health and to be able to work and travel again. The Addison’s disease group-chats and podcasts have been helpful with practical advice on how to manage this illness from people who have walked this road long before me. It is a rare endocrine disease of which most medical professionals know very little about, so I am doing what I can to educate myself. The positives of the treatment far outweigh the negatives, and I am grateful to be alive!

In spite of our limitations, God is doing great big things in this corner of the world for the glory of His great name! Pouring our lives into this mission is only worth it because it is His mission and He is worthy of everything - all our praise, all the honor and glory for all of our lives. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. On that glorious day will be the only celebration that really matters! Thank you for your love, prayers, and support for us, our kids, and our mission. We could not be here without you, and we thank God for each of you.
“The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.” - Billy Graham
Great update! God is so good. Keep us posted if FIA can be of assistance.