
Even in these unusual times, life never really stands still does it? While for some of us, it may feel a bit more still these days, God is not still – He is aliveand busy working, loving and caring for each of us all of the time.

Unfortunately, Pucallpa has now joined in the Covid-19, global suffering with a few dozen deaths. Two of the three state run hospitals have already folded under the demands of care and have shut their doors, unable to cope. The town has dug a mass grave 5 kilometers down the road from us, and the funeral homes have already run out of coffins – it is a sad state of affairs. And yet, God is good. The messages from our friends in town that have lost their jobs have consistently testified that God is good, and how clearly they can see His care for them through this seemingly impossible time. We would very much appreciate your prayers for our dear, third world, jungle town.

Vann has successfully installed the solar power system! That was a big job. Apparently, it is just the beginning though, and we have several more “arrays” to save up for and install as we can. I am so proud of him learning and building this valuable infrastructure to support this base!

He has also, to my delight, begun working on a dining room table for our mission house. Hopefully, by the time the dining room is filled with people again, it will be with a solid wooden table instead of the folding tables that really have served us faithfully but are so easily bumped!

Our Ethan turned sixteen this month! This year, he has taught himself to play the acoustic and electric guitar and the ukulele, and he’s already completed a year of college math! He is an accomplished gamer, and a talented soccer goalie. He is a kind and tenderhearted young man, and we are excited to see how he will choose to use the gifts God has given him for His glory!

This last week I have enjoyed my first days without a low-grade fever since last month. It’s been a long and uncomfortable string of weeks of daily fevers. Subsequently, my life during this quarantine has not been a productive one. I am grateful for my family’s care for me, which gives me the ability to rest. My mother makes sure that the laundry and dishes are always done, my girls are my constant help in the kitchen, and Ethan is his daddy’s right-hand man these days.
We are blessed to have all of our needs met, and to have enough to help some of our neighbors in dire need. We are so very grateful for your faithful support even through these difficult times, and pray the Lord will keep you in His perfect peace.
“The purpose of prayer is that we get ahold of God, not of the answer.”-Oswald Chambers