This month is the 20th anniversary of our move to Peru. Twenty years have gone by in a blink! Just yesterday, it seems, we were moving here with two infants in arms, utterly unprepared for all the complex and wonderful things that life in this jungle would bring. At the same time, it feels like we have poured our whole lives into this mission, and everything else that came before was another lifetime ago. Our children have grown up and are almost all gone. We have a few more months with Clara still at home, and we are soaking up every minute.
Petra Mission Base Camp did not exist 20 years ago. Now, behind the hospitality center with our mission house, pool, pavilion, and garage apartment, there are four houses (two are under construction) in the missionary housing area, which will serve five families - probably more. The camp has three cabins and a foundation for another, two bathhouses, a chapel, and a kitchen still being built. It is good to pause and look back to count our blessings and see all of the marvelous things that God has done, for He has done great, big things!
We have been here alone all these years - without teammates (for whom we still pray), but God so clearly proved to us that He is all we need. His goodness and mercy have been present with us every day of our lives. I had a difficult time in our early days here - life with babies and an unknown illness was challenging, to put it lightly. Those days, I would unkindly refer to this jungle as the “armpit of the earth - it’s hot, sweaty, and it stinks.” It took some time, but God and the Peruvians changed my heart; they are welcoming and wonderful people. Love for Peru came after stepping out in obedience and faith, and His joy became my strength. God’s grace is greater than all my sin, sickness, or discomfort!
We could fill a book listing all the ways God has blessed our family and protected us. He has seen us through so much - sicknesses and infectious diseases of varying kinds and severities, motorcycle and car accidents, pioneer living in a house under construction with three babies and no electricity or running water, a home invasion when evil men broke into and shot up our house, countless stings and bites from jungle critters that have both built up our immunity and sent us to the emergency room, mountains of paperwork necessary to live here legally, wildfires, strikes that shut down all road, air, and river transport for weeks at a time, nine presidents, the most prolonged shutdowns of the pandemic with the highest death rate worldwide, and through it all God’s grace has been more than sufficient. Every struggle and difficulty reminds us to turn our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
So much of our blood, sweat, and tears have been spilled on this ground where God placed us. He so clearly called us to go; he gave us the vision, the land, our fantastic support team, and the ability, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to do what he set before us to do. Where He leads, He provides, and He has provided all of the equipment we need, i.e., a tractor!, woodworking tools, a portable sawmill, vehicles, and everything it takes to build a mission base in the jungle. Building and running this base is our life's work, and we are so thankful that we get to be the ones to do this job and for all of you who have helped support, pray, and care for us along the way. We couldn't have done it without you and the magnificent grace of God!
It is easy in this "looking back" to see the tangible things that have been built - which are an incredible testimony to God's provision and Vann's ingenuity and capabilities, but there is so much that cannot be seen for which we praise God. The amount of time spent in discipleship, mentoring, teaching, counseling in quiet, and hosting multitudes cannot be counted. The tribal communities that have missionaries who are able to continue in their work, because they can come here to rest and be refreshed when needed, are incalculable. Vann's technical help for every mission around us is an inglorious job he absolutely loves. Support missions is not glamorous, but it is vital. We are humbled and grateful that we get to live and serve here in Peru. This is home.
“The true end of life is, to live not to ourselves, but to Him who died for us; and while we devote ourselves to His service upon earth, to rejoice in the prospect of being happy with Him forever in Heaven.” - John Newton
What an amazing testimony to God’s provision and faithfulness. We have been blessed to be a part of your support. You have amazing children and we love all of you. Tell them you love them everyday.