
This is an update for two months, and too much has transpired to tell you allabout it all, so here are the cliff notes.

In the last two months, we’ve built two cabins for the camp, poured twoconcrete slabs – one for the pavilion by the pool, and one for the missionary housing duplex, we’ve buried two dogs, we said goodbye to Mikey twice(the joys of flying standby), Vann and I were both counselors at the Missionary Kids Camp in Lima, we’ve helped draw two missionary’s house plans (one tribal, but both of which we will probably get to help build), and hosted an engagement party for two missionary kids who both grew up here!

Luckily, there are some things that have not happened in pairs; I got a kidney infection, my mother had to go to the emergency room due to an adverse reaction to local anesthesia at the dentist’s office (she is well now, thank God), and we took in a rescue capuchin monkey. Thank God there’s only one of him. One is enough.

And then there are the things that happen en masse, like our hospitality ministry - we have hosted too many people to count since the beginning of the new year – some groups for the day, some for dinners, some for the weekend and some for a couple of weeks at a time.

Life here is fabulously full, and blessed and busy. Please do keep us in your prayers. Vann and I are both struggling with strength and energy – shocker, I know. The children are all well and excelling in their studies. We are very proud of them and grateful for the Lord’s blessings on their lives.

We are so very thankful for each of you who pray and give and encourage us in this work, what a blessing you are to us! We love you and thank God for you.
“Making disciples is far more than a program. It is the mission of our lives. It defines us. A disciple is a disciple maker.” -Francis Chan